This is thé online quotation and calculation tool for doors & windows
Henk Weber
director KUFA Window systems
Two companies, one ambition
Although KUFA Window Systems is still a relatively young company, it is in the Benelux already firmly on the map as a specialist in plastic frames. In short In this area, various breakthroughs have come about and the ambitions of this frame pioneer continues. Director Henk Weber does not just want the market serve, but also initiate and anticipate new developments future needs and applications within the sector. "Innovation is for KUFA therefore no side issue but a precondition, "he says. "And there is the close one collaboration with Matrix a good example. "Since the start in 2009 makes KUFA intensive use of MatrixKozijn for the department calculation, work preparation and the CNC machine control of the production. According to Weber "A smart and balanced software program that is fast and efficient can perform some essential calculations. Only this software runs traditional on the PC, while the market at one point asked for one online application. We have raised this with Matrix and that is one of them joint initiative to create the online brother of MatrixKozijn develop. Internally we use our own product name for it, but with Matrix is called the WebKozijn. "
Calculate online from A to Z
With this online tool, individuals and resellers can go online make calculations and orders directly from KUFA. After ordering, the frames produced directly via the CNC control from MatrixKozijn. Weber: "It is a handy online quotation and calculation module, which we use manage the order process with our partners step-by-step. There they are huge helped, because often they do not have their own order or quotation system. Thanks to WebKozijn, we can easily facilitate this and that is how we are more than just a supplier of window systems. The system is everywhere available: one login code and you're in."
Stunningly simple
WebKozijn is an open and transparent system. All aspects of it order process are processed in the online step-by-step module. That makes the calculation made of plastic frames amazingly simple. "In a few simple steps you go through the process from customer request to quotation to order ", clarifies Weber. "You pass on a few things, such as dimensions, kind glass, colors of window frames and turned parts. And then the quotation rolls as it were that way. Suppose the customer adjusts a frame height, so that there is one somewhere part comes with, then immediately changes the price. We also send via WebCoach all machines within the production process. The orders are so really tailor-made and you immediately see the actual price. You can do that you immediately order accessories and other additional products. "
WebKozijn is the solution for everyone who is a regular business plastic window frames needs. "With this system, we have all the data ready to go fast able to produce and deliver. An additional advantage for our partners: they have with WebKozijn no costs for the purchase of your own calculation and offer package. That is a service from us. As a partner of KUFA you can immediately print out a ready-made offer with your own logo and within one program manage all your calculations and quotations. And do you want to be old-fashioned with us? 'Sparring' or keeping something up to the light? Then you can still use the mail request quotations and order from us. "
Discover Matrix WebKozijn at:
About KUFA
Window systems is the leading manufacturer of plastic frames. This fast-growing
company, founded in 2009, provides an extensive profile and
color program,
mainly to the business market (contractors, dealers and project developers). The
range consists of very high-quality and attractive window frames, not only in
standard versions, but also in more exclusive series. KUFA guarantees a
favorable price and a 'just-in-time' system with extremely short delivery times.
The quality of the window frames is guaranteed because everything is made in our
own factory - from profile to end product. This also makes it possible to
innovate further, which has led to, among other things the innovative single and
double HVL® frame, the lifelike wood grain Realwood® and various KOMO
certifications. Find the KUFA specialists constantly looking for ways to improve
the products and processes. Thanks to flat organization lines are short and
customers can always be fast and expertly helped.