The features of IC-Prefab CAM
IC-PltServ is a module for making production prints of flat elements.
For the control of machines it is possible to generate all necessary production files
(such as Unitechnik, BVBS format) with IC-pltserv. In addition, it is possible to chart elements.
With IC-pltserv it is also possible to print production booklets,
for example including a cover sheet, a representation of the lay-out plan and a list of materials.
IC-Elms is the successor to IC-PltSrv but also offers more possibilities.
For making production prints of more complex elements, the setting possibilities are provided with a more extensive functionality.
In addition, it is possible to display cross-sections including dimensions.
IC-Elms is suitable for use in combination with IC-HWanden, IC-MWanden and IC-Balkbodems.
This module also offers the possibility to create several production prints per element.
For example separately for reinforcement and embeds. You can also use multiple adjustable layouts.
IC-PlateDraw is a module within IC-Elms.
It offers a low-threshold solution for designing single elements.
Here the power of the module lies mainly in the design of reinforcement networks.
In addition, IC-PlateDraw can be used for the control of advanced net welding machines and bending machines.
When designing a net, PlateDraw takes into account all set properties and the parameters of the machine.
IC-Mesh is ideal for designing fast and simple (curved) nets, checking for manufacturability and for controlling a net machine.
IC-3DWapKorf is a module within ic-prefab for the design of
reinforcement baskets.
Through a very user-friendly user interface, the user can design a basket within an element;
for example solid walls or beam bottoms. Using a 3D view, the user can directly check
his input and, when he is in agreement, translate it to the (AutoCAD/Revit) drawing/model.
IC-Rods offers the possibility to read BVBS files and to visualize them; for example, for displaying a reinforcement basket assembly for production.
Let us advise you
The design and production of concrete structures is a specialism and requires expert advisers. We would like to give you expert advice on the possibilities of ic-prefab for producing precast concrete. Call us or respond via the website for a meeting with one of our consultants. Do you want to discover the operation and vision of the software yourself? Request a demo.